

Spooky Halloween Science Activities For 6th Grade

I love Halloween! Maybe it’s the Autumn, or maybe it’s because of childhood memories of bonfires, games, and carving scary faces in turnips. But finding engaging Halloween science activities for 6th...

The Power of Open-Ended Questions

Is there anything not made of atoms? What’s it like being a particle in a solid? Open-ended questions are a powerful tool in your arsenal. Open-ended questions don’t have a simple...

Teaching Atoms and Molecules

An understanding of atoms and molecules is fundamental to understanding science. Getting your students hooked on atoms and molecules (and the differences between them) early is crucial. But it’s...

Repurpose Student Doodles

Students love to doodle. I like to repurpose their doodling skills for note-taking. Doodle notes are a great way to see the overall picture. Students love them because they’re actively learning...

Make Your Own Bottle Biome

I’ve been making bottle biomes on and off for about 10 years. They’re a fantastic way to show the cycling of air and water in a sealed biome. Students can easily relate this to Earth. You...

Fun Science Review Games

Are you looking for fun science review games? Do you make your own? Have you heard about Trashketball? I LOVE Trashketball. It’s such a fun way to review science. My students love it too...
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