

Teaching Kinetic and Potential Energy The Fun Way

As science teachers, we know that introducing students to abstract concepts like kinetic and potential energy can be a bit tricky. The challenge is finding ways to make these terms not just...

Science Literacy: A Must-Have Skill for Middle School Students

As a middle school science teacher and creator of science resources, I see firsthand how important science literacy is for students. But what does it mean to be “science literate,” and why...

Cells Under A Microscope and Cells Graphic Organizer – Fun with Interactive Notebooks

Hey there, fellow science educators! Do you get your students to examine cells under a microscope or use a cells graphic organizer? This post is all about getting the tricky stuff to stick, like the...

A Fun Periodic Table Game for Your Class: Get a Reaction with Periodic Table Bingo!

A Fun Periodic Table Game? Surely an oxymoron if ever there was one! Let’s talk about something we all know can be a bit tricky – keeping students engaged while teaching the periodic...

Making the Changing States of Matter Easy to Teach

“Well, hello there, my science friends! Today, we’re diving into something we’ve all seen in our everyday lives but might not stop to think about: the changing states of matter. I know, it sounds...

Spooky Halloween Science Activities For 5th Grade

Looking for Spooky Halloween Science Activities For 5th Grade that’s educational, engaging, and not a complete mess? I’ve got just the thing! Say goodbye to the sticky pumpkin guts and endless cleanup...
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