

Why Students Get Stuck on the Periodic Table (And How to Avoid it)

Have you ever noticed that students get stuck when it comes to the Periodic Table? And you know that there’s no way around it, they MUST get it if they’ve to have any hope of succeeding in science...

Energize Your Classroom with the Glucose Games: Teaching Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are complex topics to teach, no doubt, but the Glucose Games offers a hands-on approach to making these processes easy to teach and even easier for students to...

Science Literacy -Integrating Literacy into Science and Vice Versa

Literacy is a hot topic right now and teachers are frustrated trying to get their students to engage in the basics of reading. Why is this? I’m putting a lot of it down to social media. Their (and...

5 lessons you won’t learn in teacher training

I always know the teachers who have teaching practice integrated into their undergraduate study. You can see them a mile away. They’re more confident and have far better classroom management skills...

Classroom Differentiation: How ChatGPT can help you with a challenging class.

Classroom differentiation is a lot easier now when we can harness the power of ChatGPT. I wish it was around a few years ago! I remember when I had two science classes in the same year. 24 in each...

Invasive Species Game: Wildlife Wipeout Teaches Students About Invasive Species

If you’re looking for an engaging way to teach students about this critical environmental issue, the “Wildlife Wipeout” game is what you’ve been waiting for! Students love to...
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