
Why Students Get Stuck on the Periodic Table (And How to Avoid it)

Have you ever noticed that students get stuck when it comes to the Periodic Table? And you know that there’s no way around it, they MUST get it if they’ve to have any hope of succeeding in science. And I get it, at first glance, it looks confusing, symbols that don’t sound like the element […]

Science Literacy -Integrating Literacy into Science and Vice Versa

Literacy is a hot topic right now and teachers are frustrated trying to get their students to engage in the basics of reading. Why is this? I’m putting a lot of it down to social media. Their (and ours, let’s admit it) attention spans have decreased. In 2004 the average attention span on any screen […]

5 lessons you won’t learn in teacher training

I always know the teachers who have teaching practice integrated into their undergraduate study. You can see them a mile away. They’re more confident and have far better classroom management skills from the get go. Unfortunately, my teacher training was a bolt-on year after my undergraduate science degree. It had plenty of teaching practice (half day every […]

Invasive Species Game: Wildlife Wipeout Teaches Students About Invasive Species

If you’re looking for an engaging way to teach students about this critical environmental issue, the “Wildlife Wipeout” game is what you’ve been waiting for! Students love to learn about invasive species; it appeals to their curiosity about how nature’s “troublemakers” can shake up entire ecosystems. What Is the “Wildlife Wipeout” Game? “Wildlife Wipeout” is […]

Teaching Kinetic and Potential Energy The Fun Way

As science teachers, we know that introducing students to abstract concepts like kinetic and potential energy can be a bit tricky. The challenge is finding ways to make these terms not just understandable but also relatable to the real world. In this blog, we’ll explore how to teach these fundamental ideas through a hands-on activity […]

Science Literacy: A Must-Have Skill for Middle School Students

As a middle school science teacher and creator of science resources, I see firsthand how important science literacy is for students. But what does it mean to be “science literate,” and why does it matter?   What is Science Literacy? Science literacy is the ability to understand and apply scientific concepts and information. It involves […]

Making the Changing States of Matter Easy to Teach

“Well, hello there, my science friends! Today, we’re diving into something we’ve all seen in our everyday lives but might not stop to think about: the changing states of matter. I know, it sounds super science-y, but it’s actually pretty fascinating—and way more common than you might realize. Let’s break it down and keep it […]

Spooky Halloween Science Activities For 5th Grade

Looking for Spooky Halloween Science Activities For 5th Grade that’s educational, engaging, and not a complete mess? I’ve got just the thing! Say goodbye to the sticky pumpkin guts and endless cleanup from slime. This year, try something a little spooky that doesn’t require scissors, glue, or a mop—introduce your students to creepy, real-life science […]

Spooky Halloween Science Activities For 6th Grade

I love Halloween! Maybe it’s the Autumn, or maybe it’s because of childhood memories of bonfires, games, and carving scary faces in turnips. But finding engaging Halloween science activities for 6th grade that aren’t messy isn’t easy. Until now! Colored slime? I mean, sure, but it’s been done to death. And I don’t fancy the […]

The Power of Open-Ended Questions

Is there anything not made of atoms? What’s it like being a particle in a solid? Open-ended questions are a powerful tool in your arsenal. Open-ended questions don’t have a simple “yes” or “no”. Instead, they encourage the student to express their own thoughts and opinions and, importantly, to think critically. We want them to […]

Teaching Atoms and Molecules

An understanding of atoms and molecules is fundamental to understanding science. Getting your students hooked on atoms and molecules (and the differences between them) early is crucial. But it’s not that easy and it’s a fairly dry topic to teach. Here’s how I liven up this topic. I’ve created comics that the students use as […]

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