Middle School NGSS Cellular Respiration LAB MS-LS1-7


Students love these engaging activities. Easy to follow and fun to use and teach with. You don’t have to add anything. This comprehensive Middle School NGSS LAB aligns perfectly with the NGSS Middle School MS-LS1-7 standard “develop a model to describe how food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism”.Over 23 pages of student activities, questions and notes complete and compliment this engaging resource!

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Students love these engaging activities. Easy to follow and fun to use and teach with. You don’t have to add anything. This comprehensive Middle School NGSS LAB aligns perfectly with the NGSS Middle School MS-LS1-7 standard “develop a model to describe how food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism”.

Over 23 pages of student activities, questions and notes complete and compliment this engaging resource which comes already differentiated for your students.


Here’s what’s included in these Science Stations


  • Read It – at this station the students will read a short account of cellular respiration. Be prepared for drooling as smores feature in the article!


  • Make It – This will really help them understand the process. Full instructions provided using easily accessible materials.


  • Analyze It – here the students will draw a graph based on data obtained from an experiment and answer questions based on their findings.


  • Explore It – this station allows the students to explore the connections between respiration and photosynthesis.


  • Illustrate It – at this station the students will illustrate the process of respiration in their Student Record Sheets.


  • Sort It – here the students are presented with a series of statements and they must sort these into respiration or photosynthesis.


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